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Card Dispute Message Sequence

Customer disputes a card payment.

These sequences describe the process when a customer disputes a card payment.


When a customer files a card dispute:

  • The funds are deducted from the client's wallet.

  • The client has a limited number of days to accept or challenge the dispute. In the Client Portal, refer to Collect > Payments > Disputes > Due Date. See Accepting a Dispute and Challenging a Dispute.

If the customer completed 3DS authentication during the card payment, then they cannot claim fraud.

Dispute Challenged by Client - Win


  • Successful completion of a card payment.


To win a dispute, the client must respond to it within 9 days with supporting evidence that convinces the card issuer to rule in favor of the client.

  1. Customer submits dispute to card issuer.

  2. Card Issuer notifies Rapyd of dispute.

  3. Rapyd deducts the funds from the client's wallet and sends Webhook - Dispute Created with status set to ACT (active).

  4. Client obtains dispute details by sending a request to Retrieve Dispute.

  5. Rapyd sends a response with details of the dispute. The status of the dispute is set to ACT (active).

  6. Client enters the Client Portal and challenges the dispute with evidence.

  7. Rapyd sends Webhook - Dispute Updated to the client with status set to Review.

  8. Rapyd sends the client's evidence to the card issuer.

  9. Card issuer decides to accept the dispute challenge and notifies Rapyd.

  10. Rapyd sends Webhook - Dispute Updated to the client with status set as WIN. Rapyd credits the client's wallet with the dispute amount.


A client can lose a disputed payment claim as a result of any of these conditions:

  • The client accepts the customer's claim.

  • The client fails to respond to the dispute within 9 days.

  • The client fails to submit evidence to challenge the customer's claim.

  • The card issuer reviews the evidence and rules in favor of the customer.

Dispute Challenged by Client - Lose


  • Successful completion of a card payment.

  1. Customer submits dispute to card issuer.

  2. Card issuer notifies Rapyd of dispute.

  3. Rapyd deducts the funds from the client's wallet and sends Webhook - Dispute Created with status set to ACT (active).

  4. Client obtains dispute details by sending a request to Retrieve Dispute.

  5. Rapyd sends a response with details of the dispute. The status of the dispute is set to ACT (active).

  6. Client enters the Client Portal and challenges the dispute with evidence.

  7. Rapyd sends Webhook - Dispute Updated to the client with status set to Review.

  8. Rapyd sends the client's evidence to the card issuer.

  9. Card issuer decides to reject the dispute challenge and notifies Rapyd.

  10. Rapyd sends Webhook - Dispute Updated to the client with status set to LOS (lose).

Dispute Accepted by Client


  • Successful completion of a card payment.

  1. Customer submits dispute to card issuer.

  2. Card issuer notifies Rapyd of dispute.

  3. Rapyd deducts the funds from the client's wallet and sends Webhook - Dispute Created with status set to ACT (active).

  4. Client obtains dispute details by sending a request to Retrieve Dispute.

  5. Rapyd sends a response with details of the dispute. The status of the dispute is set to ACT (active).

  6. Client enters the Client Portal and accepts the dispute.

  7. Rapyd sends Webhook - Dispute Updated to the client with status set to LOS (lose).

Simulating a Dispute in the Sandbox

  1. Create a payment using a specific, reserved card number. See Create Payment and Reserved Card Numbers.

  2. Rapyd sends a response with details of the disputed payment.

  3. Rapyd sends Webhook - Dispute Created with status set to ACT (active).

  4. Client obtains dispute details by sending a request to Retrieve Dispute.

  5. Rapyd sends a response with details of the dispute. The status of the dispute is set to ACT (active).

  6. Client enters the Client Portal to accept the dispute.

  7. Rapyd sends Webhook - Dispute Updated to the client with status set to LOS (lose).