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Card Token

Represents a card payment method that is stored in a customer profile.

Sensitive personal identifying information (PII) is stored in Rapyd's vault. The client can use the token wherever a payment method is required, such as creating a payment, subscription or invoice.

Card PII is carefully restricted by the rules of the payment card industry (PCI). To generate a card token, the client creates a hosted page that collects the PII directly from the customer and sends it to Rapyd's vault. The hosted page also enables the customer to manage cards in the customer profile by adding or deleting a payment method or setting a default payment method.

To generate a token for non-card payment methods, use Add Payment Method to Customer. If you have PCI clearance, you can also use it to generate a token for a card payment method.


Card Token Methods

  • Create Card Token - Create a hosted page where the customer can save card details, manage cards, and choose a card as the default payment method.

Card Token Errors