Cash Payment Message Sequences
Create Cash Payment - Success
The customer deposits cash at a point of sale (POS) and Rapyd credits the client wallet.
The client sends a Create Payment request to Rapyd.
Rapyd sends a response with a transaction code and other details. The status of the payment is set to ACT (active).
Rapyd sends Webhook - Payment Succeeded.
The client sends the transaction code to the customer.
The customer deposits the funds at a POS using the transaction code.
The POS notifies Rapyd that the funds were received
Rapyd credits the designated wallet and sends Webhook - Payment Completed. The status of the payment is set to CLO (closed).
Create Cash Payment - Expired
The transaction fails when the customer does not deposit the funds at the POS.
The client sends a Create Payment request to Rapyd.
Rapyd sends a response with a transaction code and other details. The status of the payment is set to ACT (active).
Rapyd sends Webhook - Payment Succeeded.
The client sends a transaction code to the customer.
The POS notifies Rapyd that the customer failed to deposit funds before the transaction expired.
Rapyd sends Webhook - Payment Expired. The status of the payment is set to ERR (error).