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Create Beneficiary Tokenization Page Message Sequences

Message sequences for creating a hosted page to generate a beneficiary token.

Every request to create a payout requires a beneficiary. Instead of specifying beneficiary details for each payout to the same recipient, a client can use a reusable token.

The client can generate a customer-facing page for creating the token. The customer fills in the details required to receive payouts, and Rapyd sends the beneficiary token to the client.

The client creates a hosted page, the customer fills in the page, and Rapyd sends a beneficiary token to the client.

  1. The client sends a Create Beneficiary Tokenization Page request to Rapyd.

  2. Rapyd sends a response containing the redirect URL for the hosted page to the client.

  3. The client sends the URL to the customer.

  4. The customer completes the hosted page and submits it directly to Rapyd.

  5. Rapyd sends Beneficiary Created Webhook to the client. The webhook contains the beneficiary token.