Wallet Errors
The following error codes and messages appear in REST responses when an error prevents completion of the request.
Error Code | Description |
ERROR_CREATE_USER_INVALID_EWALLET_REFERENCE_ID | The request tried to create a wallet, but the ewallet reference ID was not valid. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Set ‘ewallet_reference_id’ to a string of less than 200 characters. |
ERROR_CREATE_USER_EWALLET_REFERENCE_ID_ALREADY_EXISTS | The request tried to create a wallet, but the reference ID was already in use. The request was rejected. Corrective action: For 'ewallet_reference_id', enter a unique string. |
ERROR_EWALLET_ALREADY_ASSIGNED_TO_THIS_CUSTOMER | The request tried to assign a wallet to a customer, but the customer already had this wallet. The request was rejected. Corrective action: None. Determine why an effort was made to duplicate this assignment. |
ERROR_EWALLET_DISABLED | The request attempted an operation that requires a wallet, but the wallet is disabled. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Enable the wallet. |
ERROR_FIRST_NAME_CONTAINS_ILLEGAL_CHARS | The request attempted an operation that requires a person's first name, but the name contained special characters. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Use only alphabetic characters and spaces for 'first_name'. |
ERROR_GET_EWALLET | The request attempted an operation that requires a wallet, but the wallet was not found. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Use the ID of a valid wallet, a string starting with 'ewallet_'. |
ERROR_GET_USER | The request attempted an operation that requires a wallet, but the wallet was not found. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Use the ID of a valid wallet that has not been deleted. The ID is a string starting with 'ewallet_'. |
ERROR_INVALID_EWALLET | The request attempted an operation that requires a wallet, but the wallet was not recognized. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Use the ID of a valid wallet, a string starting with 'ewallet_'. |
ERROR_INVALID_EWALLET_REFERENCE_ID | The request attempted an operation that requires the ewallet reference ID, but the ewallet ID was not valid. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Set 'ewallet_reference_id' to a string of less than 200 characters. |
ERROR_INVALID_EWALLET_TYPE | The request attempted an operation that requires the 'type' parameter, but the 'type' was not a recognized value. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Set 'type' to one of the following values: 'person', 'company', 'client'. |
ERROR_INVALID_EWALLET_VERIFICATION_STATUS | The request attempted an operation that requires the verification status, but the verification status was not valid. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Set 'verification_status' to one of the following values: 'verified', 'not verified' |
ERROR_NOT_PERSON_WALLET | The request attempted an operation that requires a wallet with 'type' = 'person', but the wallet was not of that type. The request was rejected. Corrective action: None. Use a wallet with 'type' set to 'person'. |
ERROR_PAYCODE_AND_REFUND_CODE_OBSOLETE | The request attempted an operation that requires a pay code or refund code, but these codes are now obsolete. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Use 'Create Payment' and related methods. |
ERROR_UPDATE_EWALLET_TYPE | The request tried to update a wallet type, but the 'type' cannot be changed. The request was rejected. Corrective action: None. Create a new wallet. |
ERROR_UPDATE_FUNDS | The request tried to add funds to or remove funds from a wallet, but the wallet was not found. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Use a valid wallet phone number in E.164 format, or a valid wallet ID, which is a string starting with 'ewallet_'. |
ERROR_UPDATE_USER | The request tried to update a wallet, but the wallet was not found. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Use a valid wallet phone number in E.164 format, or a valid wallet ID, which is a string starting with 'ewallet_'. |
ERROR_UPDATE_USER_EWALLET_REFERENCE_ID_ALREADY_EXISTS | The request tried to update a wallet, but the reference ID was already in use. The request was rejected. Corrective action: For 'ewallet_reference_id', enter a unique string. |
ERROR_WALLET_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS | The request tried to transfer funds from a Rapyd wallet, but the wallet did not have sufficient funds in the required currency. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Transfer funds to the wallet in the required currency and resubmit the request. |
ERROR_WALLET_TYPE_NOT_PERSON | The request attempted an operation that requires a 'person' wallet, but the wallet was not of that type. The request was rejected. Corrective action: None. Set 'ewallets.ewallet' to the ID of a Rapyd Wallet of type 'person'. |
EWALLET_BUSINESS_DETAILS_ADDRESS_LINE1_NOT_VALID | The request created a company wallet, but the first line of the business address was not found. The wallet was created with no 'business_details' object, and it is not valid without it. Corrective action: Use 'Update Wallet' to set 'line1' in the 'address' object to a string made up of alphabetic characters and spaces. |
EWALLET_BUSINESS_DETAILS_ADDRESS_NAME_NOT_VALID | The request created a company wallet, but the name associated with the business address was not found or contained special characters. The wallet was created with no 'business_details' object, and it is not valid without it. Corrective action: Use 'Update Wallet' to set 'name' in the 'address' object to a string made up of alphabetic characters and spaces. |
EWALLET_UPDATED_WITH_NO_BUSINESS_DETAILS_DUE_TO_INVALID_ADDRESS | The request tried to update a wallet, but the business address was missing required information or contained special characters. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Inside the 'address' object, which is inside the 'business_details' object, provide 'name' with alphanumerics and spaces and 'line_1' with a string. |
EWALLET_WITH_ACCOUNT_CANNOT_BE_DELETED | The request tried to delete a wallet, but the wallet held an account. The request was rejected. Corrective action: None. Determine why an attempt was made to delete the wallet. |
EWALLET_WITH_VIRTUAL_ACCOUNT_CANNOT_BE_DELETED | The request tried to delete a wallet, but the wallet held a virtual account. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Close all of the wallet’s virtual accounts and try again. |
INVALID_ACCOUNT_LIMIT_TYPE | The request attempted an operation on a wallet account, but the balance type was not recognized or the account was not found. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Make sure the wallet has the indicated account, and set 'type' to 'max_balance_limit' or 'min_balance_threshold'. |
INVALID_EMAIL | The request attempted an operation that requires an email address, but the email was not valid or is already in use. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Provide a valid, unique email address for 'email'. |
INVALID_EWALLET_ACCOUNT_ID | The request tried to set or delete a limit on a wallet account, but the account was not found. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Add funds to the wallet in the currency you want, then set 'account_id' to the correct account ID, or set 'currency' to the currency of the account. |
INVALID_EWALLET_TYPE | The request tried to create a wallet, but the wallet type could not be determined. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Set 'type' to 'person' or 'company'. |
INVALID_LAST_NAME | The request tried to perform an operation that requires the family name of an individual, but the 'last_name' field was blank or invalid. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Submit a valid last name. |
MISSING_EWALLET_CONTACT_TYPE | The request tried to create or update a wallet contact, but the 'contact_type' was missing. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Set 'contact_type' to one of the following values: 'personal', 'business' |
MISSING_EWALLET_ID | The request attempted an operation that requires a wallet, but the wallet was not found. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Use the ID of a valid wallet. |
MISSING_EWALLET_TOKEN | The request attempted an operation that requires a wallet, but the wallet was not found. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Provide a valid wallet ID. |
MISSING_PHONE_NUMBER_OR_EWALLET_ID | The request attempted an operation that requires a wallet, but the wallet was not found. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Provide the wallet's phone number in E.164 format or wallet ID, which is a string starting with 'ewallet_'. |
USER_ALREADY_EXISTS | The request tried to assign a phone number to a wallet, but the phone number is already in the database. A wallet must have a unique phone number, but wallet contacts are not restricted. The request was rejected. Corrective action: In the 'contact' object, assign the number to the 'phone_number' field. |