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Card Numbers for Testing

When you make test API calls for card payments, you can use test card numbers.

Numbers for Successful Transactions

You can use any card number that you find in the examples for the API methods, including the following card numbers:

  • 4111111111111111

  • 4462030000000000

You can use any card expiration date in the future, and any 3 digits for the CVV.

Numbers for Error Transactions


In the sandbox, these numbers are valid for all card payment methods in payments created by Create Payment and hosted checkout pages.

Use the following card numbers in the sandbox to simulate rejection of a card payment:

Card Number

Type of Rejection


Do Not Honor.


Stolen Card, pick up.


Insufficient Funds.

Do Not Honor error

    "status": {
        "error_code": "ERROR_PROCESSING_CARD - [05]",
        "status": "ERROR",
        "message": "Do Not Honor",
        "response_code": "ERROR_PROCESSING_CARD - [05]",
        "operation_id": "43c320f4-5f4a-4f89-a874-8da5df13ac82"

Stolen Card error

    "status": {
        "error_code": "ERROR_PROCESSING_CARD - [43]",
        "status": "ERROR",
        "message": "Stolen Card, pick up",
        "response_code": "ERROR_PROCESSING_CARD - [43]",
        "operation_id": "6c0830fd-415d-4775-9410-afefd51773c3"

Insufficient Funds error

    "status": {
        "error_code": "ERROR_PROCESSING_CARD - [51]",
        "status": "ERROR",
        "message": "Insufficient Funds",
        "response_code": "ERROR_PROCESSING_CARD - [51]",
        "operation_id": "563694e5-3454-474a-92b0-24ae720538b7"

You can use any card expiration date in the future, and any 3 digits for the CVV.