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Creating a Group Payment

Customers can share the cost of a purchase.

For example, passengers might split a cab fare or diners might split a restaurant bill.


Create a group payment. For each payment in the payments array, specify a different payment method. See Create Group Payment.

//         . . .

    "payments": [
            "payment_method": {
                "type": "us_visa_card",
                "fields": {
                    "number": "4111111111111111",
                    "expiration_month": "11",
                    "expiration_year": "25",
                    "cvv": "123",
                    "name": "John Doe"
            "amount": 1025,
            "currency": "USD",
            "capture": true
            "payment_method": {
                "type": "us_visa_card",
                "fields": {
                    "number": "4462030000000000",
                    "expiration_month": "11",
                    "expiration_year": "25",
                    "cvv": "789",
                    "name": "Joe Doe"

The response shows the results of each payment in the payments array.

Code Examples

For full code examples, see Create Group Payment.