Payout Updated Webhook
The PAYOUT_UPDATED webhook is sent when a payout is updated by Update Payout or the action of a third party.
{ "id": "wh_6df263ebe0d843411a127fd66db2330b", "type": "PAYOUT_UPDATED", "data": { "id": "payout_4afe629c371462886ead1c0fafcbee01", "error": null, "amount": 200, "sender": { "id": "sender_8897b29d6e423fa5a16e9acec4a54a26", "name": "Four Star Professional Services", "country": "US", "currency": "USD", "entity_type": "company", "company_name": "Four Star Professional Services", "purpose_code": "Transfer", "identification_type": "company_registered_number", "identification_value": "0123456789" }, "status": "Created", "fx_rate": 1, "paid_at": null, "ewallets": [ { "amount": 200, "percent": 100, "ewallet_id": "ewallet_c1943cfeda5f98247ab117e5d2648861" } ], "metadata": { "merchant_defined": "updated" }, "created_at": 1672045411, "expiration": null, "beneficiary": { "id": "beneficiary_d895d90d276869efe1e359386a1fb3e3", "aba": "987654321", "name": "All Star Limousine", "country": "US", "category": "bank", "currency": "USD", "bank_name": "All Star Limousine", "entity_type": "company", "company_name": "All Star Limousine", "account_number": "0987654321", "identification_type": "company_registered_number", "identification_value": "9876543210", "merchant_reference_id": "AllStarLimo" }, "description": null, "paid_amount": 0, "payout_fees": null, "payout_type": "bank", "instructions": { "name": "instructions", "steps": [ { "step1": "The funds will be transferred to the provided account details of the beneficiary ." } ] }, "gc_error_code": null, "sender_amount": 200, "sender_country": "US", "identifier_type": null, "payout_currency": "USD", "sender_currency": "USD", "identifier_value": null, "instructions_value": {}, "payout_method_type": "us_ach_bank", "beneficiary_country": "US", "statement_descriptor": null, "merchant_reference_id": null }, "trigger_operation_id": "f0919eca-8347-40b9-aed2-d3538f09bd54", "status": "NEW", "created_at": 1672045609, "extended_timestamp": 1672045609034 }