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Releasing Funds from Escrow

Release escrow funds on demand or on expiration of a defined time.

Escrow Status

When the escrow has funds available for release, the status of the escrow is on_hold. After you release all or part of the funds, the status of the escrow changes to released.

Automatic Release of Funds from Escrow

To release the funds automatically, you just wait for the expiration of the number of days configured in the escrow_release_days parameter when you created the payment. The entire amount of the escrow is released to the designated wallets.

If you release part of the escrow on demand, the remainder of the funds is released automatically when the configured time expires.

Release of Funds from Escrow on Demand

To release all or part of the escrow before expiration of the time designated in escrow_release_days, call Release Funds from Escrow. Specify the following path parameters in the URL:




ID of the payment, a string starting with payment_.


ID of the escrow, a string starting with escrow_.

Example URL


Partial Release - Proportional

To release part of the escrow, you must specify a body in your call to Release Funds from Escrow. You can make the following types of partial release:

  • Partial Release by Percentage - Each designated wallet receives the stated percentage of its share of the entire escrow.

  • Partial Release by Amount - The stated amount is divided among all the wallets in proportion to their shares of the entire escrow.

  • Non-Proportional Release - Each designated wallet receives the amount specified for it in the request.


In a partial release to multiple wallets, you must specify either amount for all wallets or percentage for all wallets.

Partial Release by Percentage

You can release a stated percentage of the escrow to 1-10 wallets. If 2 or more wallets receive the funds, each receives its share of the percentage stated in proportion to its portion of the entire payment. This is a proportional release.

In your call to Release Funds from Escrow, specify the following parameter in the body:

  • percentage - The percentage that is paid to the wallet out of the total payment. Positive decimal, up to 3 decimal places. Maximum value: 100.

    "percentage": 50

Example - Suppose you create a payment of $100 USD to two wallets, with $25 to first and $75 to the second. When you release 50 percent, the first wallet gets $12.50 and the second gets $37.50.


When you make a partial release that is proportional, all subsequent releases must be proportional.

Partial Release by Amount

You can release a stated amount out of the escrow to 1-10 wallets. If 2 or more wallets receive the funds, each receives its share of the amount stated in proportion to its portion of the entire payment. This is a proportional release.

In your call to Release Funds from Escrow, specify the following parameter in the body:

  • amount - The amount to be released from the escrow, in units of the currency of the payment.

    "amount": 60

Example - Suppose you create a payment of $200 USD to two wallets, with $150 to first and $50 to the second. When you release $60, the first wallet gets $45 and the second gets $15.

Partial Release - Non-Proportional


After you make a non-proportional release, you cannot make a proportional release, but you can do the following:

  • Make another non-proportional release. If the amounts you specify happen to correspond to the same proportion as in the earlier release, it is still treated as a non-proportional release.

  • Release the entire remainder, either on demand or upon the expiration of the time designated in escrow_release_days.

In your call to Release Funds from Escrow, specify the following parameter in the body:

  • ewallets - An array of objects. Each object represents one wallet and must specify the following parameters:






The amount to release to this wallet.



ID of the wallet, a string starting with 'ewallet_'. Required.

Release to Less Than All Wallets

The following example body shows how you can release all remaining funds to one wallet out of several:

    "ewallets": [
            "ewallet": "ewallet_82dd0417a86aebb564da2f96936ce2d2"

For a partial release to this wallet, you must specify the amount, as in the following example:

    "ewallets": [
            "ewallet": "ewallet_82dd0417a86aebb564da2f96936ce2d2",
            "amount": 10

Non-Proportional Release to Multiple Wallets

The following example body shows how you can make a partial, non-proportional release of funds to multiple wallets:

    "ewallets": [
            "ewallet": "ewallet_82dd0417a86aebb564da2f96936ce2d2",
            "amount": 10
            "ewallet": "ewallet_a866886dc65d835ef42fe1314509b8ec",
            "amount": 50