Cancel Payout
Cancel a payout.
The payout can be canceled unless its status is confirmation or completed.
This method triggers the Payout Canceled Webhook. This webhook contains the same information as the response.
ID of the payout. String starting with payout_.
using System; namespace RapydApiRequestSample { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { try { string payout = "payout_83a845966bdde5e999b2ac94b1faf949"; string result = RapydApiRequestSample.Utilities.MakeRequest("DELETE", $"/v1/payouts/{payout}"); Console.WriteLine(result); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error completing request: " + e.Message); } } } }
const makeRequest = require('<path-to-your-utility-file>/utilities').makeRequest; async function main() { try { const result = await makeRequest( 'DELETE', '/v1/payouts/payout_83a845966bdde5e999b2ac94b1faf949' ); console.log(result); } catch (error) { console.error('Error completing request', error); } }
<?php $path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $path .= "/<path-to-your-utility-file>/utilities.php"; include($path); try { $object = make_request('delete', '/v1/payouts/payout_83a845966bdde5e999b2ac94b1faf949'); var_dump($object); } catch(Exception $e) { echo "Error: $e"; } ?>
from pprint import pprint from utilities import make_request payout = 'payout_83a845966bdde5e999b2ac94b1faf949' results = make_request(method='delete', path=f'/v1/payouts/{payout}') pprint(results)
Cancel Payout
curl -X delete -H 'access_key: your-access-key-here' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'salt: your-random-string-here' -H 'signature: your-calculated-signature-here' -H 'timestamp: your-unix-timestamp-here'
{ "status": { "error_code": "", "status": "SUCCESS", "message": "", "response_code": "", "operation_id": "d2ac6cd2-39a9-4325-9061-04162c35917a" }, "data": { "id": "payout_83a845966bdde5e999b2ac94b1faf949", "payout_type": "bank", "payout_method_type": "us_general_bank", "amount": 110, "payout_currency": "USD", "sender_amount": 110, "sender_currency": "USD", "status": "Canceled", "sender_country": "US", "sender": { "id": "sender_ea47488bac2889ea12ee53e80c062ea7", "country": "US", "entity_type": "individual", "address": "123 First Street", "name": "John Doe", "date_of_birth": "22/02/1980", "postcode": "12345", "city": "Anytown", "state": "NY", "account_number": "123456789", "currency": "USD", "identification_type": "License No", "identification_value": "123456789", "purpose_code": "ABCDEFGHI", "beneficiary_relationship": "client", "source_of_income": "salary" }, "beneficiary_country": "US", "beneficiary": { "id": "beneficiary_bf31d0f23f86cf452774363da039b4ee", "country": "US", "entity_type": "individual", "address": "456 Second Street", "name": "Jane Doe", "postcode": "10101", "city": "Anytown", "state": "NY", "account_number": "BG96611020345678", "currency": "USD", "email": "", "identification_type": "SSC", "identification_value": "123456789", "bank_name": "US General Bank", "bic_swift": "BUINBGSF", "ach_code": "123456789" }, "fx_rate": 1, "instructions": { "name": "instructions", "steps": [ { "step1": "The funds will be transferred to the provided account details of the beneficiary ." } ] }, "instructions_value": {}, "ewallets": [ { "ewallet_id": "ewallet_090e1ef18c3aa754fd43cce9ee454858", "amount": 110, "percent": 100 } ], "metadata": { "merchant_defined": true }, "description": "Payout - Bank Transfer: Beneficiary/Sender IDs", "created_at": 1600845753, "payout_fees": null, "expiration": null, "merchant_reference_id": "GHY-0YU-HUJ-POI", "paid_at": null, "identifier_type": null, "identifier_value": null, "error": null, "paid_amount": 0 } }