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Community Resources

Whether you're just starting to learn about Rapyd or beginning your enterprise integration, our Resources page has everything you need. Discover guides, OpenAPI specifications, forums, articles, and videos designed to support your development journey. It's an essential resource for developers at any stage. Explore now to enhance your projects and workflows.

If you still have questions as a developer, start with our developer community. For more direct support, feel free to email us at We're here to help you navigate your development challenges and maximize our resources.

Examples and Tutorials

OpenAPI Specification

The API definitions available in this repository adhere to the OpenAPI Specification standard. These APIs offer a streamlined way to connect with a global payments network, ensuring a broad range of payment options, security, and ease of use for developers looking to enhance their online services with efficient payment solutions.

Postman Collection

Rapyd's Postman Collection provides developers with a comprehensive set of pre-configured API requests for Rapyd's services. It's a great resource to quickly test, explore, and understand the functionalities of Rapyd's API endpoints.

Product Changelog

The Rapyd Product Changelog is an essential resource for developers, offering timely updates on our product enhancements, new features, and bug fixes. It's your go-to place to stay informed about the ongoing developments in Rapyd's suite of services.


Rapyd's GitHub repository offers developers a variety of code samples. These examples provide a practical and clear understanding of how to integrate and utilize Rapyd's services in your applications.


Rapyd's YouTube Channel is a valuable resource for developers, offering a range of informative videos. From tutorials on implementing our services to discussions on FinTech trends and walkthroughs of our API capabilities, there's a wealth of knowledge to be discovered.


Rapyd's collection of articles serves as a knowledge hub for developers and fintech enthusiasts alike. These articles delve into a range of topics, from technical tutorials and API use cases to industry insights and emerging fintech trends.

Developer Community


The Rapyd Developer Newsletter is a great way to stay informed about the latest developments, features, and updates from Rapyd. Delivered directly to your inbox, our newsletter covers a range of topics from API enhancements, new product roll-outs, and technical tutorials to industry trends.


Rapyd's gatherings, encompassing office hours and developer conferences around the globe, offer an exceptional platform for learning, networking, and collaboration. These events are an opportunity to directly engage with Rapyd's team, get hands-on guidance, discuss the latest FinTech trends, and learn from experts in the field.


Rapyd's social channels serve as a dynamic platform for developers and FinTech enthusiasts to stay connected with the latest at Rapyd. From real-time updates, product announcements, and industry news to thought leadership content, a wealth of information is shared across these channels.


Rapyd's Developer Discord Server is a vibrant community space where developers can connect, collaborate, and discuss everything related to Rapyd's services and FinTech. It's a place to get your questions answered, share insights, learn from peers, and stay updated on Rapyd's latest offerings.


Rapyd's Developer Forum is a dedicated platform for developers to discuss, share, and explore various aspects of Rapyd's services. From troubleshooting issues to discussing best practices, the forum offers a space to gain and share knowledge with a global community of peers.


The Rapyd Partner Program allows businesses and developers to collaborate, grow, and thrive in FinTech. As a partner, you get to leverage Rapyd's powerful suite of services, gain access to resources, and receive support to build innovative solutions that serve your unique business needs.

Champion Program

As an active developer with Rapyd, you're invited to join the Rapyd Developer Champion Program. This offers you special access to Rapyd's teams and features, encourages engagement with the wider developer community, and provides recognition and support for your contributions.