Creating a Mass Payout File
You use your own tools to create a CSV file based on each sample file that you downloaded.
You must have Owner or Administrator privileges to create mass payouts.
Open the sample file that you downloaded in Downloading a Sample Mass Payout File .
With your own tools, create your CSV file. Use the sample file as a template.
In the first line, place the required and optional parameters from the sample file.
In each subsequent line, enter the data for a payout. Use a separate line for each payout.
You can enter IDs instead of detailed data for the beneficiary and sender. For more information, see . Reusing Beneficiary or Sender. If you use IDs, enter beneficiary
and sender
parameter names in the first line.
If any one payout requires FX, then 'confirm_automatically' must appear in the header and all entries with FX must be set to true .
The example below shows a mass payout file with two payouts.
Mass Payout Example
beneficiary_country,payout_method_type,sender_country,sender_currency,sender_entity_type,payout_currency,payout_amount,beneficiary_entity_type,ewallet,beneficiary.first_name,beneficiary.last_name,beneficiary.address,beneficiary.phone_number,beneficiary.department,,beneficiary.tipoDoc,beneficiary.noDoc,sender.first_name,sender.last_name,,sender.state,sender.phone_number MX,mx_abarrotesahorrara_cash,MX,MXN,company,MXN,200,company,ewallet_d4996559f36113508a3f4ab61ed9fef5,Jane,Doe,500 First Street,5555123,transportation,Toluca,"international passport",Z4703384,John,Doe,Toluca,Mexico,5555555 MX,mx_abarrotesahorrara_cash,MX,MXN,company,MXN,200,company,ewallet_d4996559f36113508a3f4ab61ed9fef5,Jim,Smith,500 Second Street,5555456,transportation,Toluca,"international passport",Z1234567,John,Doe,Toluca,Mexico,5555555