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Duplicate Contact Webhook

The DUPLICATE_CONTACT webhook notifies the client that an existing contact has been duplicated.

    • contact

    • Unique ID of the wallet contact that starts with cont_.

    • dob

    • Date of birth of the individual. Format: MM/DD/YYYY

    • ewallet

    • ID of the Rapyd Wallet that this contact is associated with. String starting with ewallet_.

    • first_name

    • First name of the contact.

    • last_name

    • Last name of the contact.


  • {
        "id": "wh_9d3ee19a83561836f1a4d75a474932b6",
        "type": "DUPLICATE_CONTACT",
        "data": {
            "dob": "01/12/1971",
            "contact": "cont_ae13361623c5a9fd40d6a391ab0e721f",
            "ewallet": "ewallet_e6cddc185302762b8cb8aea1aae9cb5f",
            "last_name": "Doe",
            "first_name": "John"
        "trigger_operation_id": "3c727fd0-3ff5-4be3-a5f0-8fad49d0e98b",
        "status": "NEW",
        "created_at": 1715844801,
        "extended_timestamp": 1715844801448