Refund Details
You can view the details of your refunds.
This documentation is for the Mobile Version of Client Portal.
Sign is as described in Accessing the Client Portal and navigate to Collect > Refunds.
The Refunds page appears.
Tap on a refund to view the details.
The Refund Details panel appears.
The panel contains the following information:
Summary -A textual summary of the refund.
Status - The status of the refund: Completed, Pending or Error.
Payment method - The type of payment used for the refund.
Refund Details:
Refund ID - An alphanumeric string that serves as a unique identifier for the refund.
Reason - A textual description why the refund was requested
Receipt Number - The numerical identification number on the receipt
Original Payment Details - The original details of the payment
Payment ID - An alphanumeric string that is a unique ID for the payment
Created At - The date and time the refund was created
Paid At - The date and time the refund was completed
Paid Amount - The numerical amount paid
Payment Method Type - The type of payment used for the payment
Category - The category of the refund, e.g. cash, card, etc.
Payer Details:
Customer ID - An alphanumeric string that serves as a unique identifier for the customer.
Name - The name of the payer.