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Step 5: Save Application Form

After you have completed step 3 and 4, and fully designed your application form, the applicant can begin to fill out the application form you have set up.

Use the following POST method to save an application. This method is used when the merchant or seller fills in some of the fields in the application but has not completed filling all the required fields. 


  • Run this method each time the merchant or seller saves the application.

  • The format of all date fields is DD/MM/YYYY.

    • app_token

    • Identifier of the application. String starting with app_.


Due to the length of the response, in this example on the right side of the page, a shortened version of the response is displayed.

The response indicates that the data has been successfully saved and that the version number of the application has been changed from 0 to 1. Note that the status of the application remains new until it is submitted.

Error Message


This field is required

A generic error that occurs when the field is required and the value is empty.

Field <field_name> - has empty list of values

Occurs when the value is not one of the valid values in the list. 

Invalid field value. Please try again.

Occurs when the value is not one of the valid values.

An integer between 25 and 100 is required

The field indicates ownership percentage and the error occurs when the value is less than 25 percent or greater than 100 percent.

An integer between 0 and 10000 is required.

The value is invalid when the field is MCC and the value is not between 0 to 10,000.

Invalid range.

Occurs when the validation type is 'range_int' and the minimum is not 25 or 0 and the maximum is not 25 or 10,000.

A valid email address is required.

Occurs when the email address is not valid.

This field must be filled in.

Occurs when `is_mandatory` is true and the value is empty.

The value must be less than 22 characters and cannot have any symbols.

Occurs when the field includes a regex validation that is not implemented, and the field type is 'statement_descriptor'.

Invalid field value. Please try again.

Occurs when the field includes a regex validation regex is not implemented, and the field type is not 'statement_descriptor'.

Minimum length: <min>, Count: <value.length>/<max>

Occurs when the length of the value is more than the maximum length defined in the regex type for the 'business description field.

This field must be filled in.

Occurs when the country code does not exist or is not in the iso2 list.

This field must be filled in.

Occurs when the value is empty or does not not exist in the phone prefix list.

Invalid phone number format.

Occurs when the phone number length is more than 17 digits or the combination between phone prefix and the phone number is not possible (using Google API phone number validation)

Please enter a valid date in the form of DD/MM/YYYY.

Occurs when the date is not in the allowed format (DD/MM/YYYY) or when the date is in the future.

Applicant must be at least 18 years old.

The age of applicant must be more than 18 years old

This field must be filled in.

Occurs when required conditional fields are not filled in.

This field must be filled in.

if the value is one not in the list on the related fields LOV

File must be uploaded.

Occurs when a file must be uploaded for a specific field.

Enter the protocol of the website (https:// or http://)

Occurs when the prefix of the URL is not 'http://' or 'https://'.

A valid website address is required.

Occurs when the website URL is not in a valid pattern.

A website address is required.

Occurs when the URL field is mandatory and the value is empty.

This field must be filled in.

Occurs when the value is empty and the field is mandatory or this was invoked from conditionally required.

Invalid postal code. Postal code must be less than 12 characters, and without special characters.

Occurs when the postal code is not valid for the chosen country (the postal code is per country, and some countries include a special regex - GB,JE,GG,IM,US,CA,DE,JP,FR,AU,IT,CH,AT,ES)

This field is required

Occurs when the value is empty and the field is mandatory

Invalid registration number. Registration number is expected in the AA##### or ####### format

Occurs when the registration number is not according to the GB country registration number format.

Invalid registration number. Registration number must be 5-13 characters long consisting of letters or numbers.

Occurs when the registration number is not according to the DE country registration number format.

  • {base_uri}/verify/api/applications/:app_token/save

  • Save Application Form

  • curl -X POST
    -H 'access_key: your-access-key-here'
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
    -H 'idempotency: your-idempotency-parameter-here'
    -H 'salt: your-random-string-here'
    -H 'signature: your-calculated-signature-here'
    -H 'timestamp: your-unix-timestamp-here'
    -H 'api_timestamp: your-unix-timestamp-here'
    -d '
        "sections": {
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                "industry": {
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                "product_description": {
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  • {
        "status": {
            "error_code": "",
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "message": "",
            "response_code": "",
            "operation_id": "07238665-6755-4b03-b7c9-9b028e4e0aac"
        "data": {
            "token": "app_a94f525027bf4f599dc6f640b231647b",
            "rapyd_entity_token": "ewallet_13c430610f1d100d253b5751ed2654de",
            "copied_from_application_token": null,
            "client_reference_id": "000001111",
            "authorized_user_email": "",
            "version": 1,
            "status": "new",
            "metadata": {
                "modular": "true"
            "entity_type": "Private Limited Company",
            "country": "US",
            "created_at": 1692865006264,
            "updated_at": 1693141287440,
            "sell_type": "ATS-0001",
            "business_industry": 7273,
            "is_authorized_by_service": false,
            "triggers": {}