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Viewing Notifications

  1. Sign in as described in Signing in to the Client Portal .

  2. To view different types of notifications, go to Settings > Notification Settings.

    The Notification settings page appears.


    Note: The Client Portal account owner can view notifications associated with their account.

  3. To add account notifications, toggle any notification on or off under each line item and category.

The Client Portal account owner can subscribe or remove other people to certain notifications. This section will only be available to the Owner, and it is only for certain notifications, all of which are emails.

Email notifications can be sent to external users, who are not signed up with the Client Portal. The account owner would do this to:

  • Add non-Client Portal Users to their notifications system.

  • Send the email confirmation about KYB submission to a Primary Authorized User.

  1. To view and add the notifications for external users, go to Settings > Notification Settings > Other Recipients > External Users.

  2. Click on Add recipient in the upper right corner.

  3. The Add External User window appears.

  4. To notify an external user, type in their full name and email address in the respective fields.

  5. Click Invite.

The Client Portal account owner can subscribe or remove other people to certain notifications. This section will be available to the Owner and other users, and it is only for certain notifications, all of which are emails.

Email notifications can be sent to users.

  1. To view and add the notifications for users, go to Settings > Notifications Settings > Other Recipients.

    Note: The user must have permission from the account Owner to view and change User Settings under the Notifications Settings.

  2. Go to the end of each line and select the pencil icon to Edit Categories.

    The Notify recipient dialogue box appears.

  3. Select any desired Web or Email notifications.

    Note: Not all notifications can be received as emails.

Account Notification Categories

There are three types of Account Notifications:

  • General

  • Collect

  • Disburse

User Notifications

Notification Category

Notification Name

Notification Description


Client wallet funded

Notifies if funds were successfully added to the Client Wallet


Comment mention

Notifies if a teammate mentioned you on a comment



Notifies if an outage affected one of the Rapyd Services you use


Export file

Notifies if your exported file is ready for download



Notifies if maintenance is affecting one of the Rapyd Services you use


Product updates

Changes within our API, services, and dashboard.


Settlement completed

Notifies if a settlement is on its way to you


Invoice uploaded

Notifies if you have a new invoice.


Escrow payment released

Notifies if an escrow payment was released


Group payment completed

Notifies if a group payment is successfully completed


Mass payments

Notifies if a mass payments file has been processed


Payment completed

Notifies if a payment is completed


Payment dispute

Notifies if a payment was disputed


Payment refunded

Notifies if a payment was refunded


Payments disputed

Notifies if a payment was disputed in the last 24 hours


Unpaid subscription invoice

Notifies if there is an unpaid invoice for the subscription


Mass payouts

Notifies if a mass payouts file has been processed


Payout approval submitted

Notifies if a payout was submitted for approval


Payout completed

Notifies that the status of a payout has changed to “complete”