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Challenging a Dispute

If you decide to challenge the customer's dispute, use the Client Portal to submit evidence in support of your position.


Evidence can only be submitted one time, so be sure to include all relevant information.

  • Successful completion of a card payment.

  • Details of the dispute from List Disputes.

  1. Sign in to the Client Portal and navigate to Collect > Payments > Disputes.

  2. Locate the dispute and click it to open the dispute panel. Review the details and click Submit Evidence. The Challenge Dispute page appears.

  3. Complete the form:

    • Enter an explanation in the Reason for Challenge field.

    • Attach an evidence file and add a description. Click Add File.

    • Repeat for additional files and click Submit.

      Rapyd reviews and sends the evidence to the card issuer, and sends the Webhook - Dispute Updated to the client with status set to Review. The card issuer decides to accept or reject the challenge and notifies Rapyd. Rapyd sends Webhook - Dispute Updated to the client.

      • Win - Rapyd credits the client's wallet with the dispute amount.

      • Lose - Rapyd releases the funds to the card issuer.