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Escrow Lifecycles

The statuses, balances, and webhooks of escrow payment lifecycles.

An escrow payment has stages. The stages depend on whether the payment is completed immediately (see note) and whether the funds are fully released all at once (see Releasing Funds from Escrow).

Immediate and Delayed Payment Completion

A payment is created and immediately completed, except:

  • For a card payment, the capture is delayed or authentication is required.

  • For most non-card payments, third-party action is required.

Each stage has specific:

  • Payment and escrow statuses

  • Received and available balances of the Rapyd wallet. For more information, see Wallet Balance Types.

  • Webhooks sent.

In the following scenarios:

  • The payments are completed immediately.

  • The escrow payment is USD 100.

Full Release

The full escrow amount is released all at once upon expiration.





1. The payment is created and completed.

  • Payment: CLO

  • Escrow: on_hold

  • Received: 100

  • Available: 0

  • Payment Created

  • Payment Completed

2. Escrow is released upon expiration. All escrow funds are released.

  • Payment: CLO

  • Escrow: released

  • Received: 0

  • Available: 100

  • Escrow Payment Released

Partial and Remainder Releases

Part of the escrow amount is released. The rest is released later upon expiration.





1. The payment is created and completed.

  • Payment: CLO

  • Escrow: released

  • Received: 100

  • Available: 0

  • Payment Created

  • Payment Completed

2. 'Release Funds from Escrow' is run before expiration. USD 25 is released.

  1. Payment: CLO

  2. Escrow: released

  • Received: 75

  • Available: 25


3. Escrow is released upon expiration. The remaining USD 75 is released.

  • Payment: CLO

  • Escrow: released

  • Received: 0

  • Available: 100

  • Escrow Payment Released


In the following scenarios:

  • Completion of the payments is delayed.

  • The escrow payment is USD 100.

Full Release

The full escrow amount is released all at once upon expiration.





1. The payment is created.

  • Payment: ACT

  • Escrow: pending

  • Received: 0

  • Available: 0

  • Payment Created

2. After the relevant action, the payment is completed.

  • Payment: CLO

  • Escrow: on_hold

  • Received: 100

  • Available: 0

  • Payment Completed

3. Escrow is released upon expiration. All escrow funds are released.

  • Payment: CLO

  • Escrow: released

  • Received: 0

  • Available: 100

  • Escrow Payment Released

Partial and Remainder Releases

Part of the escrow amount is released. The rest is released later before expiration.





1. The payment is created.

  • Payment: ACT

  • Escrow: pending

  • Received: 0

  • Available: 0

  • Payment Created

2. Following the relevant action, the payment is completed.

  • Payment: CLO

  • Escrow: on_hold

  • Received: 100

  • Available: 0

  • Payment Completed

3. 'Release Funds from Escrow' is run before expiration. USD 25 is released.

  • Payment: CLO *

  • Escrow: released

  • Received: 75

  • Available: 25


4. 'Release Funds from Escrow' is run before expiration. The remaining USD 75 is released.

  • Payment: CLO

  • Escrow: released

  • Received: 0

  • Available: 100
