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Hosted Page Errors

Error messages for hosted page operations.

Errors can arise from the following operations:

Error Code



The request tried to retrieve a hosted page, but the page was not found. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Use the ID of a valid hosted page.


The request attempted a hosted page operation, but the customer was not found. The request was rejected. Corrective action: For 'customer', provide a valid customer ID, a string starting with 'cus_'.


The request tried to create a checkout page, but there is no payment method that is supported in the country for the currency provided. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Use a different currency or country.


The request tried to create a hosted page without specifying a currency, but the amount is not editable. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Set 'amount_is_editable' to true or set 'currency' to a valid value.


The request tried to create a hosted page with a fixed amount, but the amount was not provided. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Set 'amount' to a positive decimal number.


The request attempted an operation that requires a payment method, but the payment method was not found. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Use the ID of a valid payment method, a string starting with 'card_' or '_other'.


The request tried to create a checkout page, but the currency was not recognized. The request was rejected. Corrective action: For the 'currency' field, use the 3-letter ISO 4217 code in uppercase letters.


The request tried to create a hosted checkout page, but there was an error in the custom elements. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Set each field in the 'custom_elements' object to a correct value.


The request tried to create a hosted page, but the date it expires could not be determined. The request was rejected. Corrective action: In 'page_expiration', provide a Unix time that is between 1 minute and 30 days after the request itself.


The request attempted a hosted page operation, but the customer was not found. The request was rejected. Corrective action: For 'customer', provide a valid customer ID, a string starting with 'cus_'.


The request attempted a hosted page operation, but there are no supported payout method types for the combination of the attributes that has been specified. The request was rejected. Corrective action: Run 'List Payout Method Types'. Use only supported countries and entity types, and use only currencies that are supported for each country.


The request tried to create a hosted page with a list of payout method types to include, but the data was not recognized. The request was rejected. Corrective action: In 'payout_method_types_include', specify a list of strings, each of which is a payout method type.


The request attempted a hosted page operation, but the card was not recognized or not valid. The request was rejected. Corrective action: For 'card', provide the card token or the issued card ID. The card token starts with 'card' and the issued card ID starts with 'ci'.