Issue Virtual Account to Wallet
Issue a virtual account to an existing wallet.
Any bank can transfer money to a wallet using a virtual account number.
A virtual account is for one or more currencies.
There is no limit to the number of virtual accounts you can issue to a wallet. You can issue multiple virtual accounts in a single currency.
When funds are transferred to a virtual account, the funds appear in the wallet’s currency account for the currency of the transfer. You can convert transferred funds to certain currencies.
This method triggers Virtual Account Status Webhook. This webhook is sent whenever the virtual account status changes.
This endpoint replaces the deprecated endpoint - POST /v1/issuing/bankaccounts
Rapyd no longer supports the deprecated endpoint.
You must create a wallet. See Create Wallet.
The identity of the wallet owner must be verified. See Rapyd Verify.
Code Samples
using System; using System.Text.Json; namespace RapydApiRequestSample { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { try { var metadata = new { merchant_defined = true }; var requestObj = new { country = "DE", currency = "EUR", description = "Issue virtual account number to wallet", ewallet = "ewallet_cfb416d9108161347d98acf17f3fd3e8", merchant_reference_id = "abcd_09870987", metadata }; string request = JsonSerializer.Serialize(requestObj); string result = RapydApiRequestSample.Utilities.MakeRequest("POST", "/v1/virtual_accounts", request); Console.WriteLine(result); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error completing request: " + e.Message); } } } }
const makeRequest = require('../../../../Utilities/JS/utilities').makeRequest; async function main() { try { const body = { currency: 'EUR', country: 'DE', description: 'Issue virtual account number to wallet', ewallet: 'ewallet_cfb416d9108161347d98acf17f3fd3e8', merchant_reference_id: 'abcd_09870987', metadata: { merchant_defined: 'true', } }; const result = await makeRequest('POST', '/v1/virtual_accounts', body); console.log(result); } catch (error) { console.error('Error completing request', error); }c
<?php $path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $path .= "/code_race_2020/Utilities/PHP/utilities.php"; include($path); $body = [ "currency" => "EUR", "country" => "DE", "description" => "Issue virtual account number to wallet", "ewallet" => "ewallet_cfb416d9108161347d98acf17f3fd3e8", "merchant_reference_id" => "abcd_09870987", "metadata" => array( "merchant_defined" => true ) ]; try { $object = make_request('post', '/v1/virtual_accounts', $body); var_dump($object); } catch(Exception $e) { echo "Error: $e"; } ?>
from pprint import pprint from utilities import make_request body = { "currency": "EUR", "country": "DE", "description": "Issue virtual account number to wallet", "ewallet": "ewallet_cfb416d9108161347d98acf17f3fd3e8", "merchant_reference_id": "abcd_09870987", "metadata": { "merchant_defined": True } } results = make_request(method='post', path=f'/v1/virtual_accounts', body=body) pprint(results)rom pprint import pprint from utilities import make_request invoice_item = { "currency": "USD", "customer": "cus_b3b8ad0174f4c415c663b35bcf542192", "metadata": { "merchant_defined": True }, "amount": 10 } result = make_request(method='post', path='/v1/invoice_items', body=invoice_item) pprint(result)
Issue Virtual Account Number to Wallet
curl -X post -H 'access_key: your-access-key-here' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'idempotency: your-idempotency-parameter-here' -H 'salt: your-random-string-here' -H 'signature: your-calculated-signature-here' -H 'timestamp: your-unix-timestamp-here' -d '{ "currency": "EUR", "country": "DE", "description": "Issue virtual account number to wallet", "ewallet": "ewallet_eb221f9155cf0895c8a4e8b1ad6b844d", "merchant_reference_id": "5rtfgk897ter0df0m", "metadata": { "merchant_defined": true } } '
{ "status": { "error_code": "", "status": "SUCCESS", "message": "", "response_code": "", "operation_id": "e213cb38-8a8f-4ae7-b124-2da91e6baaeb" }, "data": { "id": "issuing_293e65543872d2a87057b48dd657dd06", "merchant_reference_id": "5rtfgk897ter0df0m", "ewallet": "ewallet_eb221f9155cf0895c8a4e8b1ad6b844d", "bank_account": { "beneficiary_name": "CashDash UK Limited", "address": "Northwest House, 119 Marylebone Road NW1 5PU", "country_iso": "DE", "iban": "DE07202208000092780641", "bic": "SXPYDEHH" }, "metadata": { "merchant_defined": true }, "status": "ACT", "description": "Issue test bank account", "funding_instructions": null, "currency": "EUR", "requested_currency": null, "transactions": [] } }
Issue Virtual Account Number - Requested Currency
curl -X post -H 'access_key: your-access-key-here' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'idempotency: your-idempotency-parameter-here' -H 'salt: your-random-string-here' -H 'signature: your-calculated-signature-here' -H 'timestamp: your-unix-timestamp-here' -d '{ "currency": "USD", "country": "US", "description": "test US", "ewallet": "ewallet_7b202163832a9da0489960d670497426" } '
{ "status": { "error_code": "", "status": "SUCCESS", "message": "", "response_code": "", "operation_id": "59079ed3-3fe7-4e52-8eb4-a3e49a3cd961" }, "data": { "id": "issuing_ab9cc86fc203f74bdc76c002b19b0cd4", "merchant_reference_id": "5rtfgk8970dfbmT", "ewallet": "ewallet_7b202163832a9da0489960d670497426", "bank_account": { "beneficiary_name": "Rapyd Financial Technology US Inc", "address": "701 Villa Ave, Mountain View, CA 94041", "country_iso": "US", "country": "United States", "aba_routing_number": "051504597", "account_number": "5002001485351098" }, "metadata": { "merchant_defined": true }, "status": "ACT", "description": "Issue virtual account number to wallet", "funding_instructions": null, "currency": "USD", "requested_currency": null, "transactions": [] } }