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List Payment Methods by Country

Retrieve a list of all payment methods available for a country.

You can filter the results by specifying the currency query parameter.

For general information about payment methods, use the Client Portal.

    • country

    • Two-letter ISO 3166-1 ALPHA-2 code for the country.

    • currency

    • Three-letter ISO 4217 code for the currency.

Code Samples
    • .NET

      • using System;
        namespace RapydApiRequestSample
            class Program
                static void Main(string[] args)
                        string result = RapydApiRequestSample.Utilities.MakeRequest("GET", $"/v1/payment_methods/countries/IT?currency=EUR");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine("Error completing request: " + e.Message);
    • JavaScript

      • const makeRequest = require('<path-to-your-utility-file>/utilities').makeRequest;
        async function main() {
          try {
            const result = await makeRequest('GET', '/v1/payment_methods/countries/IT?currency=EUR');
          } catch (error) {
            console.error('Error completing request', error);
    • PHP

      • <?php
        $path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
        $path .= "/<path-to-your-utility-file>/utilities.php";
        try {
            $object = make_request('get', '/v1/payment_methods/countries/IT?currency=EUR');
        } catch(Exception $e) {
            echo "Error: $e";
    • Python

      • from pprint import pprint
        from utilities import make_request
        response = make_request(method='get',
  • /v1/payment_methods/countries/:country

  • List Payment Methods by Country

  • curl -X get
    -H 'access_key: your-access-key-here'
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
    -H 'salt: your-random-string-here'
    -H 'signature: your-calculated-signature-here'
    -H 'timestamp: your-unix-timestamp-here'
  • {
        "status": {
            "error_code": "",
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "message": "",
            "response_code": "",
            "operation_id": "5cf112f3-722c-4d77-b1e8-0e3383e2aef4"
        "data": [
                "type": "is_sepadirectdebit_bank",
                "name": "SEPA Direct Debit - Mandate",
                "category": "bank_redirect",
                "image": "",
                "country": "IS",
                "payment_flow_type": "redirect_url",
                "currencies": [
                "status": 1,
                "is_cancelable": true,
                "payment_options": [
                        "name": "customer",
                        "type": "customer",
                        "regex": "",
                        "description": "Customer object.",
                        "is_required": true,
                        "is_updatable": false,
                        "required_fields": [
                                "name": "name",
                                "type": "string",
                                "regex": "^[a-zA-Z ]{0,102}$",
                                "description": "Customer’s full name",
                                "is_required": true,
                                "is_updatable": false
                                "name": "phone_number",
                                "type": "string",
                                "regex": "^[+][0-9]{1,15}$",
                                "description": "Customer’s Phone Number",
                                "is_required": false,
                                "is_updatable": false
                                "name": "email",
                                "type": "string",
                                "regex": "^(?=.{1,70}$)([0-9a-zA-Z_]+@[a-zA-Z_]+?[.]{1}[a-zA-Z]{2,3})$",
                                "description": "Customer’s email",
                                "is_required": false,
                                "is_updatable": false
                                "name": "addresses",
                                "type": "address",
                                "regex": "",
                                "description": "Customer’s address",
                                "is_required": true,
                                "is_updatable": false,
                                "required_fields": [
                                        "name": "name",
                                        "type": "string",
                                        "regex": "^[a-zA-Z ]{0,102}$",
                                        "description": "The name of a contact person or an `in care of` person at this address",
                                        "is_required": true,
                                        "is_updatable": false
                                        "name": "line_1",
                                        "type": "string",
                                        "regex": "^[a-zA-Z0-9-_ ]{0,70}$",
                                        "description": "Street name, building number and apartment number",
                                        "is_required": true,
                                        "is_updatable": false
                                        "name": "city",
                                        "type": "string",
                                        "regex": "^[a-zA-Z0-9-_ ]{0,35}$",
                                        "description": "Customer’s city",
                                        "is_required": true,
                                        "is_updatable": false
                                        "name": "country",
                                        "type": "string",
                                        "regex": "^([A-Z]){2}$",
                                        "description": "Customer’s country",
                                        "is_required": true,
                                        "is_updatable": false
                                        "name": "zip",
                                        "type": "string",
                                        "regex": "^[a-zA-Z0-9-_ ]{0,15}$",
                                        "description": "Customer’s postal code",
                                        "is_required": true,
                                        "is_updatable": false
                        "name": "complete_payment_url",
                        "type": "string",
                        "regex": "",
                        "description": "URL where the customer is redirected for final steps in completing the operation.",
                        "is_required": false,
                        "is_updatable": false
                        "name": "error_payment_url",
                        "type": "string",
                        "regex": "",
                        "description": "URL where the customer is redirected in case of an error in the operation.",
                        "is_required": false,
                        "is_updatable": false
                        "name": "statement_descriptor",
                        "type": "string",
                        "regex": "^.{1,22}",
                        "description": "A text description suitable for a customer's payment statement. Limited to 22 characters.",
                        "is_required": false,
                        "is_updatable": false
                "is_expirable": false,
                "is_online": false,
                "is_refundable": true,
                "minimum_expiration_seconds": 0,
                "maximum_expiration_seconds": 1209600,
                "virtual_payment_method_type": null,
                "is_virtual": false,
                "multiple_overage_allowed": false,
                "amount_range_per_currency": [
                        "currency": "EUR",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                "is_tokenizable": true,
                "supported_digital_wallet_providers": [],
                "is_restricted": false,
                "supports_subscription": true
                "type": "is_visa_card",
                "name": "Visa",
                "category": "card",
                "image": "",
                "country": "IS",
                "payment_flow_type": "",
                "currencies": [
                "status": 1,
                "is_cancelable": true,
                "payment_options": [
                        "name": "capture",
                        "type": "boolean",
                        "regex": "",
                        "description": "Determines when the payment is processed for capture.",
                        "is_required": false,
                        "is_updatable": false
                        "name": "complete_payment_url",
                        "type": "string",
                        "regex": "",
                        "description": "the complete_payment_url field must be filled in.",
                        "is_required": true,
                        "is_updatable": false
                        "name": "error_payment_url",
                        "type": "string",
                        "regex": "",
                        "description": "the error_payment_url field must be filled in.",
                        "is_required": true,
                        "is_updatable": false
                        "name": "customer",
                        "type": "string",
                        "regex": "",
                        "description": "ID of a customer object, a string starting with ‘cus_‘. The customer object must contain the fields listed as required, and can contain additional fields listed here.If the customer object does not exist yet, use ‘Create Customer‘",
                        "is_required": false,
                        "is_updatable": false
                        "name": "initiation_type",
                        "type": "string",
                        "regex": "(customer_present|installment|moto|recurring|unscheduled)",
                        "description": "This indicates how the transaction was initiated",
                        "is_required": false,
                        "is_updatable": false
                "is_expirable": false,
                "is_online": false,
                "is_refundable": true,
                "minimum_expiration_seconds": 0,
                "maximum_expiration_seconds": 604800,
                "virtual_payment_method_type": null,
                "is_virtual": false,
                "multiple_overage_allowed": false,
                "amount_range_per_currency": [
                        "currency": "AED",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "AUD",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "BGN",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "BOB",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "BRL",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "BWP",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "CAD",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "CHF",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "CNY",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "COP",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "CZK",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "DKK",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "EUR",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "GBP",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "GEL",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "GHS",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "HKD",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "HRK",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "HUF",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "IDR",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "ILS",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "INR",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "ISK",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "JPY",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "KES",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "KZT",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "MDL",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "MXN",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "MYR",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "NAD",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "NOK",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "NZD",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "PEN",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "PHP",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "PLN",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "RON",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "RSD",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "RUB",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "SEK",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "SGD",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "THB",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "TRY",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "TWD",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "TZS",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "UAH",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "UGX",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "USD",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "UYU",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "ZAR",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                        "currency": "ZMW",
                        "maximum_amount": null,
                        "minimum_amount": null
                "is_tokenizable": false,
                "supported_digital_wallet_providers": [],
                "is_restricted": false,
                "supports_subscription": true