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List Virtual Accounts by Rapyd Wallet

List the virtual accounts that are attached to a Rapyd Wallet.


This endpoint replaces the deprecated endpoint - GET /v1/issuing/bankaccounts/list

Rapyd no longer supports the deprecated endpoint.

    • ewallet

    • ID of the Rapyd Wallet that the virtual accounts were issued to. String starting with ewallet_.

  • GET/v1/ewallets/:ewallet/virtual_accounts

  • List Virtual Accounts by Rapyd Wallet

  • curl - X get https: //
    -H 'access_key: your-access-key-here'
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
    -H 'salt: your-random-string-here'
    -H 'signature: your-calculated-signature-here'
    -H 'timestamp: your-unix-timestamp-here'
  • {
    	"status": {
    		"error_code": "",
    		"status": "SUCCESS",
    		"message": "",
    		"response_code": "",
    		"operation_id": "beefe1dc-aba5-4a90-a093-3db97644bdee"
    	"data": {
    		"ewallet": "ewallet_9a9b2a863de733ca0be3f61043208bd5",
    		"bank_accounts": [
    				"account_id": "GBnullCLRB04154212111217",
    				"account_id_type": "iban",
    				"currency": "GBP",
    				"country_iso": "GB",
    				"issuing_id": "issuing_aa62cfe8c7bb1444ae97288901dfdb44",
    				"status": "ACT",
    				"requested_currency": null
    				"account_id": "GBnullCLRB04151212111217",
    				"account_id_type": "iban",
    				"currency": "GBP",
    				"country_iso": "GB",
    				"issuing_id": "issuing_05193e13376b72232cf932bd9aafcfad",
    				"status": "ACT",
    				"requested_currency": null