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Remote Authorization Successful Webhook

Rapyd sends a request to the client, the client responds, and then Rapyd sends this webhook.

This AUTHORIZATION webhook with status COMPLETED is sent about 5 minutes after Rapyd receives the remote authorization response from the client, and no reversal has been received from the location where the card was used.


  • {
        "id": "wh_1d75f41550a48767ede03704ff47bccf",
        "data": {
            "type": "AUTHORIZATION",
            "amount": 100,
            "status": "COMPLETED",
            "currency": "USD",
            "auth_code": null,
            "created_at": 1619317083,
            "authorization_id": "cardauth_7b066b3e1f4bef3eaa100de25d044a30",
            "reversed_authorization_id": null
        "type": "AUTHORIZATION",
        "status": "NEW",
        "created_at": 1619317082,
        "extended_timestamp": 1619317082345,
        "trigger_operation_id": "54eaf119-d877-44b9-bf4c-85db6ab21bee"