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Retrieve Issued Card Details

Retrieve details of an issued card.


Clients with PCI certification can handle personal identifying information for cards.

    • card

    • ID of the issued card. String starting with ci_ or card_.

  • /v1/issuing/cards/:card

  • Retrieve Issued Card Details

  • curl -X get
    -H 'access_key: your-access-key-here'
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
    -H 'salt: your-random-string-here'
    -H 'signature: your-calculated-signature-here'
    -H 'timestamp: your-unix-timestamp-here'
  • {
        "status": {
            "error_code": "",
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "message": "",
            "response_code": "",
            "operation_id": "f94cccfa-104d-41d6-91ff-bbd45b292b19"
        "data": {
            "id": "ci_85856f34805b5b4eb7981d9619312272",
            "ewallet_contact": {
                "id": "cont_3625cb4fc18d005b12f9ccf0c466755e",
                "first_name": "John",
                "last_name": "Doe",
                "middle_name": "",
                "second_last_name": "",
                "gender": "not_applicable",
                "marital_status": "not_applicable",
                "house_type": "",
                "contact_type": "business",
                "phone_number": "+14155551234",
                "email": "",
                "identification_type": "PA",
                "identification_number": "1234567890",
                "issued_card_data": {
                    "preferred_name": "",
                    "transaction_permissions": "",
                    "role_in_company": ""
                "date_of_birth": "2000-11-22",
                "country": "US",
                "nationality": "NL",
                "address": {
                    "id": "address_9706af91b503c70a819605222afabc96",
                    "name": "John Doe - Four Star Professional Services",
                    "line_1": "123 Main Street",
                    "line_2": "",
                    "line_3": "",
                    "city": "Anytown",
                    "state": "NY",
                    "country": "US",
                    "zip": "12345",
                    "phone_number": "+14155551234",
                    "metadata": {},
                    "canton": "",
                    "district": "",
                    "created_at": 1608023967
                "ewallet": "ewallet_053d64c44834e1d3057ecb68a34c6b6c",
                "created_at": 1608023967,
                "metadata": {},
                "business_details": {
                    "id": "busi_9d2952408ec5dec780f5b88a8fc174aa",
                    "name": "Four Star Professional Services",
                    "registration_number": "R24032020000",
                    "entity_type": "company",
                    "industry_category": "company",
                    "industry_sub_category": "home services",
                    "address": {
                        "id": "address_977b39b4b725fadc9040e1ee1e5df795",
                        "name": "John Doe - Four Star Professional Services",
                        "line_1": "1234 Main Street",
                        "line_2": "Suite 1200",
                        "line_3": "",
                        "city": "Anytown",
                        "state": "NY",
                        "country": "US",
                        "zip": "10101",
                        "phone_number": "14155557779",
                        "metadata": {
                            "merchant_defined": true
                        "canton": "",
                        "district": "",
                        "created_at": 1608023967
                    "created_at": 1608023967,
                    "annual_revenue": 0,
                    "establishment_date": null,
                    "legal_entity_type": null,
                    "cnae_code": null
                "compliance_profile": 0,
                "verification_status": "not verified",
                "send_notifications": false,
                "mothers_name": "Jane Smith"
            "status": "ACT",
            "card_id": "card_5e932d89be218e5d6a5ec20daa156466",
            "assigned_at": 1626307673,
            "activated_at": 1634648825,
            "metadata": {},
            "country_iso_alpha_2": "US",
            "created_at": 1626307673,
            "blocked_reason": "none",
            "card_tracking_id": null,
            "card_program": null,
            "card_number": "5484389609326310",
            "cvv": "947",
            "expiration_month": "07",
            "expiration_year": "24",
            "bin": "548438",
            "sub_bin": "60"