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Simulate a Card Transaction Authorization Reversal - Non-EEA

Simulate a retail location’s reversal of a card authorization.

The retail location where a card was used for a purchase can send a reversal through the card network to cancel a previous authorization request. This can occur when the transaction is not completed within the time required by the card issuer. When Rapyd receives a request for reversal from the card network, it reverses the transaction and sends you a webhook. Use this method in the sandbox.

This method triggers Card Issuing Reversal Webhook. This webhook contains the same information as the response.

This method applies to cards issued outside the European Economic Area (EEA). For cards issued in the EEA, see Simulate a Card Transaction Authorization Reversal - EEA.


    • amount

    • The amount of the authorization, in units of the currency defined in currency. Decimal.

    • card_id

    • ID of the card. String starting with card_.

    • currency

    • Defines the currency for the transaction. Three-letter ISO 4217 code.

    • retrieval_reference_number

    • Reference number for the card transaction.

  • /v1/issuing/cards/reversal

  • Card Transaction Authorization Reversal

  • curl -X post
    -H 'access_key: your-access-key-here'
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
    -H 'idempotency: your-idempotency-parameter-here'
    -H 'salt: your-random-string-here'
    -H 'signature: your-calculated-signature-here'
    -H 'timestamp: your-unix-timestamp-here'
    -d '{
        "card_id": "card_ed9fddc7e809b711c938cc65ffb4cc58",
        "amount": 5,
        "currency": "USD",
        "retrieval_reference_number": "2E4AE4C46E19",
        "auth_code": "3A53EY"
  • {
        "status": {
            "error_code": "",
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "message": "",
            "response_code": "",
            "operation_id": "6aa2475a-847d-4ab3-b369-91c539658464"
        "data": {
            "id": "cit_f6fd138680302d10bda8d83ee288b72f",
            "amount": 5,
            "currency": "USD",
            "created_at": 1683099905,
            "card_id": "card_ed9fddc7e809b711c938cc65ffb4cc58",
            "merchant_category_code": "",
            "merchant_name_location": "",
            "auth_code": "3A53EY",
            "bin": "557433",
            "last4": "7654",
            "issuing_txn_type": "REVERSAL",
            "pos_entry_mode": "",
            "systems_trace_audit_number": "",
            "retrieval_reference_number": "2E4AE4C46E19",
            "original_transaction_id": "cit_bfebf42294f984e69183acff99a14cc5",
            "original_txn_amount": null,
            "original_txn_currency": "",
            "fx_rate": 1,
            "card_program_id": "cardprog_b027c85a66ebebb2e094bca626d5ae97",
            "wallet_transaction_id": "wt_c78f11aa6812fcaa4b84fc5f1ae220c9"