Complete Payment
To simulate the completion of a payment by the action of a third party, use this method in the sandbox.
This method changes the payment status to CLO (closed), and applies to the cash, bank_redirect, bank_transfer, or ewallet payment method types.
This method also returns the Payment Completed Webhook. This webhook contains the same information as the response.
For a card payment:
Capture after authorization only - Use Capture Payment.
Simulate 3-D Secure (3DS) verification - See Simulating 3DS Authentication.
ID of the payment to complete. String starting with payment_.
Depends on the type of payment method.
bank_redirect - rapyd
bank_transfer - The value returned in the
field of thetextual_codes
object. You can find this field in the response to the Create Payment request. If thecode
field is empty,param1
is not - Not required.
ewallet - Not required.
Depends on the type of payment method.
bank_redirect - success
bank_transfer - Original payment amount. Decimal, including the correct number of decimal places for the currency exponent, as defined in ISO 2417:2015.
cash - Not required.
ewallet - Not required.
Code Samples
using System; using System.Text.Json; namespace RapydApiRequestSample { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { try { var requestObj = new { token = "payment_97505f45911dd6bc546e017a58492fc6", param1 = "rapyd", param2 = "success", }; string request = JsonSerializer.Serialize(requestObj); string result = RapydApiRequestSample.Utilities.MakeRequest("POST", $"/v1/payments/completePayment", request); Console.WriteLine(result); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error completing request: " + e.Message); } } } }
const makeRequest = require('<path-to-your-utility-file>/utilities').makeRequest; async function main() { try { const body = { token: 'payment_97505f45911dd6bc546e017a58492fc6', param1: 'rapyd', param2: 'success' }; const result = await makeRequest('POST', '/v1/payments/completePayment', body); console.log(result); } catch (error) { console.error('Error completing request', error); } }
<?php $path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $path .= "/<path-to-your-utility-file>/utilities.php"; include($path); $body = [ 'token' => 'payment_19e3edad1e9102cd24006a34c52c9a0b', 'param1' => 'rapyd', 'param2' => 'success', ]; try { $object = make_request('get', '/v1/payments/payment_19e3edad1e9102cd24006a34c52c9a0b', $body); var_dump($object); } catch(Exception $e) { echo "Error: $e"; } ?>
from pprint import pprint from utilities import make_request complete_payment_body = { "token": "payment_97505f45911dd6bc546e017a58492fc6", "param1": "rapyd", "param2": "success" } response = make_request(method='post', path='/v1/payments/completePayment', body=complete_payment_body) pprint(response)
Complete Payment - Bank Redirect
curl -X post -H 'access_key: your-access-key-here' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'idempotency: your-idempotency-parameter-here' -H 'salt: your-random-string-here' -H 'signature: your-calculated-signature-here' -H 'timestamp: your-unix-timestamp-here' -d '{ "token": "payment_f2d7720db25fe186c692014a54301d8b", "param1": "rapyd", "param2": "success" } '
{ "status": { "error_code": "", "status": "SUCCESS", "message": "", "response_code": "", "operation_id": "7c1b3aef-876c-4697-a8bc-3ffb27c6e32e" }, "data": { "id": "payment_f2d7720db25fe186c692014a54301d8b", "amount": 100, "original_amount": 100, "is_partial": false, "currency_code": "CRC", "country_code": "cr", "status": "CLO", "description": "Payment by bank redirect", "merchant_reference_id": "", "customer_token": "cus_a55898c4d2845b64395648e7fb35a15e", "payment_method": "other_186be5119f0668c81a528a51d0a6719c", "payment_method_data": { "id": "other_186be5119f0668c81a528a51d0a6719c", "type": "cr_promerica_bank", "category": "bank_redirect", "metadata": {}, "image": "", "authentication_url": "", "webhook_url": "", "supporting_documentation": "" }, "expiration": 1623074211, "captured": true, "refunded": false, "refunded_amount": 0, "receipt_email": "", "redirect_url": "", "complete_payment_url": "", "error_payment_url": "", "receipt_number": "", "flow_type": "", "address": null, "statement_descriptor": "Rapyd", "transaction_id": "", "created_at": 1621864611, "metadata": { "merchant_defined": true }, "failure_code": "", "failure_message": "", "paid": true, "paid_at": 1621948290, "dispute": null, "refunds": null, "order": null, "outcome": null, "visual_codes": {}, "textual_codes": {}, "instructions": [ { "name": "instructions", "steps": [ { "step1": "Log in to your online banking website to complete an online bank transfer" } ] } ], "ewallet_id": "ewallet_c67c44ec60d5c2e62480aa7c76b3f8b4", "ewallets": [ { "ewallet_id": "ewallet_c67c44ec60d5c2e62480aa7c76b3f8b4", "amount": 100, "percent": 100, "refunded_amount": 0 } ], "payment_method_options": {}, "payment_method_type": "cr_promerica_bank", "payment_method_type_category": "bank_redirect", "fx_rate": 1, "merchant_requested_currency": null, "merchant_requested_amount": null, "fixed_side": "", "payment_fees": null, "invoice": "", "escrow": null, "group_payment": "", "cancel_reason": null, "initiation_type": "customer_present", "mid": "", "next_action": "not_applicable", "merchant_advice_code": null, "merchant_advice_message": null } }
Complete Payment - Bank Transfer
curl -X post -H 'access_key: your-access-key-here' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'idempotency: your-idempotency-parameter-here' -H 'salt: your-random-string-here' -H 'signature: your-calculated-signature-here' -H 'timestamp: your-unix-timestamp-here' -d '{ "token": "payment_e5f67f64269e79bc27a4e29e24970742", "param1": "other_7bd131704089d8b8ba867f6ed37457a1", "param2": "100" } '
{ "status": { "error_code": "", "status": "SUCCESS", "message": "", "response_code": "", "operation_id": "c3c5e612-a076-4fb1-b80d-5eaca09c3017" }, "data": { "id": "payment_e5f67f64269e79bc27a4e29e24970742", "amount": 100, "original_amount": 100, "is_partial": false, "currency_code": "MXN", "country_code": "mx", "status": "CLO", "description": "Payment by bank transfer", "merchant_reference_id": "", "customer_token": "cus_2fc481c596480e0b45f20beb4e7139af", "payment_method": "other_7bd131704089d8b8ba867f6ed37457a1", "payment_method_data": { "id": "other_7bd131704089d8b8ba867f6ed37457a1", "type": "mx_spei_bank", "category": "bank_transfer", "metadata": {}, "image": "", "authentication_url": "", "webhook_url": "", "supporting_documentation": "" }, "expiration": 1623073903, "captured": true, "refunded": false, "refunded_amount": 0, "receipt_email": "", "redirect_url": "", "complete_payment_url": "", "error_payment_url": "", "receipt_number": "", "flow_type": "", "address": null, "statement_descriptor": "Rapyd", "transaction_id": "", "created_at": 1621864303, "metadata": { "merchant_defined": true }, "failure_code": "", "failure_message": "", "paid": true, "paid_at": 1621948390, "dispute": null, "refunds": null, "order": null, "outcome": null, "visual_codes": { "payCode": "100723147534680380" }, "textual_codes": {}, "instructions": [ { "name": "instructions", "steps": [ { "step1": "Direct the end-user to make payment to the CLABE provided." } ] } ], "ewallet_id": "ewallet_c67c44ec60d5c2e62480aa7c76b3f8b4", "ewallets": [ { "ewallet_id": "ewallet_c67c44ec60d5c2e62480aa7c76b3f8b4", "amount": 100, "percent": 100, "refunded_amount": 0 } ], "payment_method_options": {}, "payment_method_type": "mx_spei_bank", "payment_method_type_category": "bank_transfer", "fx_rate": 1, "merchant_requested_currency": null, "merchant_requested_amount": null, "fixed_side": "", "payment_fees": null, "invoice": "", "escrow": null, "group_payment": "", "cancel_reason": null, "initiation_type": "customer_present", "mid": "", "next_action": "not_applicable", "merchant_advice_code": null, "merchant_advice_message": null } }
Complete Payment - Cash
curl -X post -H 'access_key: your-access-key-here' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'idempotency: your-idempotency-parameter-here' -H 'salt: your-random-string-here' -H 'signature: your-calculated-signature-here' -H 'timestamp: your-unix-timestamp-here' -d '{ "token": "payment_04336045fbe92f0fa1a99596b0c57808" } '
{ "status": { "error_code": "", "status": "SUCCESS", "message": "", "response_code": "", "operation_id": "e8a47f30-8bab-4563-a33f-8563e897e14f" }, "data": { "id": "payment_04336045fbe92f0fa1a99596b0c57808", "amount": 10, "original_amount": 10, "is_partial": false, "currency_code": "AUD", "country_code": "AU", "status": "CLO", "description": "", "merchant_reference_id": "", "customer_token": "cus_adbf2af199860e65f6516ac52a31bf60", "payment_method": "other_521ccbd20c3aa13c17087bfcc783811f", "payment_method_data": { "id": "other_521ccbd20c3aa13c17087bfcc783811f", "type": "au_cash_cash", "category": "cash", "metadata": {}, "image": "", "authentication_url": "", "webhook_url": "", "supporting_documentation": "", "name": "John Doe" }, "expiration": 1623073703, "captured": true, "refunded": false, "refunded_amount": 0, "receipt_email": "", "redirect_url": "", "complete_payment_url": "", "error_payment_url": "", "receipt_number": "", "flow_type": "", "address": null, "statement_descriptor": "Rapyd", "transaction_id": "", "created_at": 1621864103, "metadata": { "merchant_defined": true }, "failure_code": "", "failure_message": "", "paid": true, "paid_at": 1621948646, "dispute": null, "refunds": null, "order": null, "outcome": null, "visual_codes": {}, "textual_codes": { "code": "8765438739139767" }, "instructions": [ { "name": "instructions", "steps": [ { "step1": "Scan or show your transaction code to the cashier and pay the amount" } ] } ], "ewallet_id": "ewallet_c67c44ec60d5c2e62480aa7c76b3f8b4", "ewallets": [ { "ewallet_id": "ewallet_c67c44ec60d5c2e62480aa7c76b3f8b4", "amount": 10, "percent": 100, "refunded_amount": 0 } ], "payment_method_options": {}, "payment_method_type": "au_cash_cash", "payment_method_type_category": "cash", "fx_rate": 1, "merchant_requested_currency": null, "merchant_requested_amount": null, "fixed_side": "", "payment_fees": null, "invoice": "", "escrow": null, "group_payment": "", "cancel_reason": null, "initiation_type": "customer_present", "mid": "", "next_action": "not_applicable", "merchant_advice_code": null, "merchant_advice_message": null } }
Complete Payment - Local eWallet
curl -X post -H 'access_key: your-access-key-here' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'idempotency: your-idempotency-parameter-here' -H 'salt: your-random-string-here' -H 'signature: your-calculated-signature-here' -H 'timestamp: your-unix-timestamp-here' -d '{ "token": "payment_bebddc4b4139d5a0f13cdcd4046cf2c1" } '
{ "status": { "error_code": "", "status": "SUCCESS", "message": "", "response_code": "", "operation_id": "221ed405-208b-4d8e-bf77-3e1b05cedcce" }, "data": { "id": "payment_bebddc4b4139d5a0f13cdcd4046cf2c1", "amount": 1000, "original_amount": 1000, "is_partial": false, "currency_code": "RUB", "country_code": "ru", "status": "CLO", "description": "", "merchant_reference_id": "", "customer_token": "cus_84806e121d2d8d08b30a5f99822243de", "payment_method": "other_75b307d4fc3713e5ca87f1434e9c30cc", "payment_method_data": { "id": "other_75b307d4fc3713e5ca87f1434e9c30cc", "type": "ru_qiwimobile_ewallet", "category": "ewallet", "metadata": {}, "image": "", "authentication_url": "", "webhook_url": "", "supporting_documentation": "" }, "expiration": 1623074321, "captured": true, "refunded": false, "refunded_amount": 0, "receipt_email": "", "redirect_url": "", "complete_payment_url": "", "error_payment_url": "", "receipt_number": "", "flow_type": "", "address": null, "statement_descriptor": "Rapyd", "transaction_id": "", "created_at": 1621864721, "metadata": { "merchant_defined": true }, "failure_code": "", "failure_message": "", "paid": true, "paid_at": 1621948716, "dispute": null, "refunds": null, "order": null, "outcome": null, "visual_codes": {}, "textual_codes": { "code": "paygw_65d788c95eefe636ab45fff9ae81c38d" }, "instructions": [], "ewallet_id": "ewallet_c67c44ec60d5c2e62480aa7c76b3f8b4", "ewallets": [ { "ewallet_id": "ewallet_c67c44ec60d5c2e62480aa7c76b3f8b4", "amount": 1000, "percent": 100, "refunded_amount": 0 } ], "payment_method_options": {}, "payment_method_type": "ru_qiwimobile_ewallet", "payment_method_type_category": "ewallet", "fx_rate": 1, "merchant_requested_currency": null, "merchant_requested_amount": null, "fixed_side": "", "payment_fees": null, "invoice": "", "escrow": null, "group_payment": "", "cancel_reason": null, "initiation_type": "customer_present", "mid": "", "next_action": "not_applicable", "merchant_advice_code": null, "merchant_advice_message": null } }