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Creating a Mass Payment File

Create your own mass payment file based on the sample file that you downloaded.

This is the second step in Creating Mass Payments.

This procedure requires Owner or Administrator privileges.


Completion of Downloading a Sample Mass Payment File.

  1. Open the sample file that you downloaded.

  2. Using your own tools, edit the downloaded sample to list your payments. The header row (line 1) is required in the file. Use a separate row for each payment, as shown in the following example.

    Mass Payment File

    10,USD,US,,us_psc_cash,,607060,,ebook 2342424,,
    11,USD,US,,us_psc_cash,,32423402340,,ebook 2342342,,
    12,USD,US,,us_psc_cash,,101-130-132,,ebook wf23423,,


    The Sandbox environment supports files of up to 10 rows.

  3. Continue to Uploading a Mass Payment File.