Creating Mass Payments
This procedure describes how to create a batch of mass payments.
Creating a batch of mass payments requires Owner or Administrator privileges.
A mass payment is a group of payments uploaded to the Client Portal using a CSV file formatted with the payment data.
You can create and complete several payments simultaneously with Collect using the Mass Payments feature.
The Client Portal provides the sample files. You must download a sample file as a template, and enter data for each payment. All payments in a single file must be for the same combination.
Upload one or more files to the Client Portal for a single mass payment. For multiple files, the Client Portal creates a batch file.
The procedure involves the following steps:
Downloading a Sample Mass Payment File
Creating a Mass Payment File
Uploading a Mass Payment File
Downloading a Sample Mass Payment File
You can download a Sample Mass Payment file to serve as a template for your own mass payment file. The file will be in CSV format. See Downloading a Sample Mass Payment File for more information.
Creating a Mass Payment File
You can create a mass payment file in CSV format based on the sample file you downloaded. See Creating a Mass Payment File for more information.
Uploading a Mass Payment File
You can upload your mass payment file to Client Portal for processing. Once the file is uploaded, a mass payment report will be created. The user that uploaded the file will receive a notification from Rapyd by email. See Uploading a Mass Payment File for more details.