Creating a Payment with Apple Pay (encrypted)
This procedure describes how to create a payment with an encrypted Apple Pay payload.
Initiate this process with a call to the Rapyd API.
Completion of the Rapyd onboarding process. See Activating Your Account (KYB).
Check the relevant country's payment methods that support Apple Pay as a digital wallet provider via the List Payment Methods by Country request. For information about Apple Pay support for a specific payment method, contact Rapyd Client Support.
Activation of Apple Pay in the Client Portal. See Activating Apple Pay.
A digital wallet. Generate the transaction details using Apple Pay's process.
post {{base_url}}/v1/payments
Request Body
{ "amount": 10, "currency": "USD", "description": "encrypted payload", "payment_method": { "type": "by_visa_card", "address": null, "digital_wallet": { "type": "apple_pay", "details": { "token": { "paymentData": { "data": "", "signature": "MIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHAqCAM...xCzAJBgNVBAY3Sbrb7MpYRdEAAAAAAAA=", "header": { "publicKeyHash": "L6vppo38t31Q/9npxRy/xbA1+cs13h1LV+pMO/FYwvo=", "ephemeralPublicKey": "MFkwEwYHKoZI...sum3onbZcAU/4Q==", "transactionId": "4f4fac7a1...a6a8ba2c0e8c5" }, "version": "EC_v1" }, "paymentMethod": { "displayName": "MasterCard 1512", "network": "MasterCard", "type": "credit" }, "transactionIdentifier": "4F4FAC7A10474...8BA2C0E8C5" } } } } }
You must use the entire token
object that you got from Apple Pay, without any changes. The example here has truncated some of the long values for clarity.