General Troubleshooting for Ingenico Terminals
Faults and suggested solutions for all Ingenico terminal types.
Alert Irruptions
Cause - The terminal has been physically damaged. Common causes include water damage, power surges, overheating, dropping, tampering, tampering.
Suggested solution - Cannot be repaired by Technical Support. The merchant must replace the terminal because physical damage does not fall under warranty.
Bad MAC / Invalid MAC
Cause - The terminal manufacturer has re-issued MAC keys to the acquirer and they no longer match those on record.
Suggested solution - Contact Technical Support.
Bad Password
Cause - Password mismatch with TMS.
Suggested solution - Contact Technical Support.
Bad Track 2 / Bad Swipe
Cause - Unknown.
Suggested solution - Contact Technical Support.
Blue Screen
Cause - Usually a power issue.
Suggested solution - Remove the battery and use the base to power the terminal. If the problem persists, see Terminal Not Charging.
If the terminal has been inactive for a considerable period of time with the battery left inside, leave the terminal on charge for 24 hours. If this does not resolve the issue, replace the battery.
Buttons Not Responding
Cause - Known issue that occurs to the MOVE terminals. Wear and tear.
Suggested solution
If it is a MOVE terminal, restart with the yellow clear button (
) and 3 dots unless damaged.
Battery pull.
Card Error
Cause - Card not read properly.
Suggested solution - Verify that nothing is stuck in the card reader slot.
Contactless Not Working
Cause - Sensor may be faulty or damaged.
Suggested solution - Contact Technical Support. See also Contactless Error Codes.
Data Match Queries
Cause - The merchant has input address information into the terminal while processing a sale and this does not match the details associated with the card.
The terminal still approves the transaction but says that the information does not match.
Suggested solution
If the details can differ, ignore.
If the details must match, perform a refund and then process the transaction again.
Dead Terminal / Not Powering Up / Blank Screen
Cause - Usually a power issue.
Suggested solution - Remove the battery, and use the base to power the terminal.
Do Not Honour
Cause - There is an issue with this particular card.
Suggested solution - Try another card and have the customer contact their bank about the other card.
Forgotten Supervisor Password
Cause - New terminal; forgotten password.
Suggested solution - Contact Technical Support.
General Connection Issues
No connection or poor connection to Wi-Fi, base, Ethernet, or phone line
No answer
No dial tone
Not ready
Suggested solution - See one of the following:
Init Trans Log Required
Invalid Password
Cause - Password is too easy.
Suggested solution - Choose a longer password.
Invalid Trans
Cause - Terminal declines the transaction and prints INVALID TRANS.
Suggested solution
Ask the customer to use a different card.
Try to process the payment differently - for example, amount first, then insert card.
Lost or Damaged Accessories
Cause - Anything that goes wrong with an accessory is classified as damage.
Suggested solution - Assess nature and extent of damage before considering replacement or repair.
Lost or Damaged Terminals
Cause - Any form of external or software damage which is everything besides connection issues, LLT or roller bar damage.
Suggested solution - Assess nature and extent of damage before considering replacement or repair.
Mail Order Not Working
Account does not have this enabled.
Terminal needs to do a TMS call or software update.
Incorrect details entered.
Connection issue.
Suggested solution - Contact Technical Support.
Manual Input Not Allowed
No Answer
No answer error when the terminal is connected to a phone line. A dial tone can be heard but no response is received when dialing out.
Cause - This is due to prefixes, dialling a 9 before getting an outside line from an exchange, or international prefixes where a device is trying to make a connection from abroad and the terminal is not dialling back to the UK first. The terminal might also be configured with a prefix when it is not needed.
Suggested solution - Contact Technical Support.
No Dial Tone
No dial tone error when trying to connect to the acquirer.
The terminal will also print out a receipt with a DIAG code of 22 in succession dependent on the connection attempts.
This is the default error displayed whether the terminal is attempting to connect via phone line or Ethernet.
Ethernet connection
The terminal is not connected to the correct base.
The terminal is not associated to the correct base.
The magic box cable is loose.
The magic box cable is faulty.
Phone line connection
There is no dial tone on the phone socket the terminal is plugged in to.
The terminal is sharing the line and cannot get through because of other devices.
The phone is an extension of another line that is in frequent use.
Suggested solution
Ethernet connection - See Troubleshooting Ingenico Bluetooth and Countertop Terminals.
Phone line connection
Follow the phoneline cable back from the terminal to the phone socket the cable is connected to. Check for kinks and breaks in the cable or additional extensions along the way.
Remove any additional connections that share the phone line with the terminal and plug the terminal in on its own.
Ensure that the phone line has an ADSL filter. These are small devices that are plugged in to the phone line socket. They can be purchased from a hardware store or are often supplied with an internet router from an Internet Service Provider.
Confirm there is a dial tone on the socket the terminal is connected to. Plug in a hardwire phone to see if you can hear a dial tone when you pick up the receiver. If there is no dial tone, contact your line supplier. If you can hear a dial tone, contact Technical Support.
If the issue persists, refer to your supervisor for next steps.
If the terminal is using a Bluetooth connection to connect to the base - Restart both the base and the terminal and reassociate the terminal with the base station.
If the terminal is a counter top - Disconnect the magic box cable and all connections from the back of the machine and reconnect.
Not Ready
Cause - The terminal has failed to complete an update or TMS call successfully overnight.
Suggested solution - Ensure all connections are working. Check the phone line and Ethernet connection.
Payments Voiding or Declining
Connection issues.
MAC Keys.
Suggested solution - Check the DIAG code on the receipt.
Printing Issue - Partial or Blank Printing
Paper is not thermal paper.
Paper is inserted the wrong way round.
The thermal bar has dropped on the inside hinges (cannot see).
Suggested solution
Wipe the thermal bar with a cloth.
Ensure that the paper is thermal paper by scratching it.
Ensure that the paper roll is installed correctly.
Apply pressure to the top of the screen while attempting to print.
Printing Issue - Terminal Not Printing
Damage to the gearing or cogs on the roller bar or internal cogs.
Thermal bar issues.
Incorrect paper.
Low battery.
Suggested solution
Open the printer lid and check roller bar for damage.
Try to spin the cogs. Do they spin? If not, replacement needed.
IWL or ICT - Press and hold the yellow clear button (
Move - Press the Paper Feed button (
Wipe the thermal bar with a cloth.
Ensure that the paper is thermal paper by scratching it.
Ensure that the paper is installed correctly.
Apply pressure to the top of the screen while attempting to print.
Store Full
Cause - The terminal memory is full of stored transaction data and needs to be cleared.
Suggested solution - Perform an End-of-Day report. See End-of-Day Reports.
Terminal Not Charging
Cause - Usually an issue with the power sockets or the battery, but may be a base issue or PSU issue.
Suggested solution
Remove battery and place on base.
Change the power socket that the base is plugged into.
Check the cables for damage.
Ensure that the power cable is not loose or wobbly.
Try a different base.
Try charging via side port.
If the terminal has been inactive for a considerable period of time, with the battery left inside, leave the terminal on charge for 24 hours. If this does not resolve the issue, replace the battery.
Terminal Stuck on Connecting or Connection Made
Cause - Terminal gets stuck on Connecting or Connection Made after a MAC reset is performed.
Suggested solution - Contact Technical Support.
Terminal times out when trying to connect to the bank for a payment or logon test. (It might make several attempts.)
Every terminal has an internal key, which is a series of encrypted numbers and letters, that it uses to validate its authorisation to connect to the acquirer.
This key must match the key at the acquirer's end each time it makes a connection. When connection is confirmed, the key changes at both the acquirer and the terminal, so the next connection can be validated in a series.
The MAC keys are issued to the acquirer by the terminal manufacturer. If the keys do not match when making a connection, they must be reset to realign them.
Cause - MAC key failure.
Suggested solution - Contact Technical Support.
Totals Not Agreed
Two End-of-Day reports have been run in the same day, resulting in split batches.
Reports printed after 12am.
Connection issue.
Suggested solution - Check when the last EOD was performed. If it has been run twice, run EOD again. See End-of-Day Reports.