Multi-Wallet Client Account
Request a Multi-Wallet Configuration.
Each Client Portal account has a client wallet connected to your bank accounts for settlements. You can request multiple client wallets each with their own settlement bank account and configuration.
To get to your client wallet, see Signing In to the Client Portal and go to My Account > Account management as described in Managing My Account.

Request A Multi-Wallet Client Account
If you are interested in a multi-wallet client account as your use case permits, contact your Rapyd Sales Representative.
Go to Account management as previously described and select the Client wallet field dropdown in the upper right corner.
Multiple wallets will appear in the drop down.
Select your desired client wallet
The account details of your client wallet will appear.
You can Manage Your Account Details and View Your Account Balances all within Client Portal.
Note: The Wallet field dropdown is also located in the top right on the My Account > Account balance page.