Retrieve Apple Pay Session
Retrieve the details of an Apple Pay payment session.
Each payment that uses Apple Pay has a unique session.
Prerequisite: Activating Apple Pay
The client's fully qualified domain name, without the final period. For example,
Retrieve Apple Pay Session
curl -X post -H 'access_key: your-access-key-here' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'salt: your-random-string-here' -H 'signature: your-calculated-signature-here' -H 'timestamp: your-unix-timestamp-here' -d '{ "display_name": "Acme General Products", "initiative_context": "" } '
{ "status": { "error_code": "", "status": "SUCCESS", "message": "", "response_code": "", "operation_id": "1d6372ba-530d-4195-be1e-ef50d91d0f91" }, "data": { "epochTimestamp": 1646630045189, "expiresAt": 1646633645189, "merchantSessionIdentifier": "SSHAF97FDFD687E4E308A5DF0D252842CCF_916523...", "nonce": "7c059ca3", "merchantIdentifier": "2CA5870D7643C62D793F32133FFB35E85B69D1E23EEB49EBB989976C4A3F3367", "domainName": "", "displayName": "Acme General Products", "signature": "308006092a864886f70d010702a08...", "operationalAnalyticsIdentifier": "name:2CA5870D7643C62D793F32133FFB35E85B69D1E23EEB49EBB989976C4A3F3367", "retries": 0 } }
In the example response, the merchantSessionIdentifier
and signature
are truncated.
Related Information
Refer to this Apple Pay article: Requesting an Apple Pay Payment Session.